PhD- Cancer Biology (Stanford); MD
Associate Clinical Professor; Physician; Breast Cancer; Brain Cancer; Bone Marrow Transplants; Radiation; Cancer Treatment; Science; Laboratory Science; Teaching; Radiotherapy; Radiation Biology; Medical Research; Biology
Dr. Eric H. Radany is Attending Radiation Oncologist at City of Hope (COH,) one of the most well known clinical national medical centers in the world. He has been with COH for 11 years; he has worked in the field of Radiation Oncology since 1989. Driven by immense fascination for science, medicine, and biology, Eric is dedicated to learning every day and sharing his knowledge and experience with others. He has a PhD in Cancer Biology and was inspired by a college professor to pursue a career in medicine. His success has stemmed from his passion for learning. Eric is affiliated with the American Society of Radiation Oncology and American Society of Clinical Oncology. In 1989, he was awarded the ASCO Young Investigator Award. The field of medicine is constantly changing—Eric looks forward to making positive growth for himself and the center, but also in the world by contributing to cures and having a lasting impact on his patients and on the world.