University of California, Los Angeles
B.A. - Political Science
Curriculum Design & Development; Community Outreach; Leadership Development; Non-Profit & For Profit Fundraising; Spiritual Development
On September 1, 2014 The Board of Trustees at Southeastern Bible College elected Dr. Alexander Granados its next college President. This decision came as no surprise as Alexander has had over 25 years of extensive cross-cultural ministry experience among African Americans, Asians, Caucasians, and Latinos and has held administrative positions in both domestic and international for-profit and non-profit organizations. Alexander's practice of "preaching and teaching" has influenced several churches, youth groups and organizations through his lectures and public speaking engagements. His passion and dedication to his students led Alexander to receive Professor of the Year, in 2012, a most distinguished and prestigious teaching award from The Master's College. As a proud native of Bogotá, Colombia, Alexander was raised with a strong appreciation for education and culture. With his parent's strong encouragement and pride Alexander went on to attend the University of California Los Angeles in 1988. It was at this university that Alexander truly began his professional career under the influence and mentorship of one of his professors, Dr. Donald Chisholm. As a self-proclaimed ferocious learner, Alexander has gone on to write book reviews and chapters on Christian Culture and Higher Education with his own publication on the way. Knowing the value of giving back, Alexander is on the Board of Directors, holding the position of Treasurer, for White Fields Inc. An organization committed to developing strong self-sustaining national churches. They support indigenous pastors in their own countries working amongst their own people making language and cultural barriers non-existent and the message of the Gospel to be spread more quickly.