Michigan State University
B.A.- Economics and Political Science - Michigan State University (1997)
Politics; Media Relations; Fundraising; Public Policy; Political Consulting; Press Releases; Public Speaking; Community Outreach; Political Campaigns; Public Relations; Nonprofits; Legislation; Speech Writing; Social Media; Event Planning; Leadership; Message Development; Campaigns; Policy; Grassroots Organizing; Coalitions; Strategy; Strategic Communications;Strategic Planning; Government; Newsletter; Legislative Relations; Budgets; Research; Social Media Marketing; International Relations; Volunteer Management; Event Management; Corporate Management; Community Development; Political Communication; Political Science; Communication; Coaching
Greg McNeilly is the Chief Operating Officer of the Windquest Group. Windquest Group is a Michigan-based, privately held enterprise and investment management firm with diversified projects in technology, manufacturing, clean-tech, hospitality, and nonprofit solutions. Greg received his B.A in Economics and Political Science at Michigan State University. He also volunteers his time at the Michigan Association of Public School Academics and Great Lakes Education. Greg's goal is to double the size of his company and help out more small businesses towards their success.