Lake Michigan College; University of Michigan; University of Michigan Medical School
A.S.- Life Science, Lake Michigan College; B.S.- Anthropology-Zoology- University of Michigan; M.S.- Physiology- University of Michigan Medical School; Ed.S.- Physiology and Health Science- Ball State University; Ph.D. in Health and Safety Studies- University of Illinois; Grand Ph.D.- Medicine- Academie Europeenne D’ Informatisation (AEI); World Information Distributed University (WIDU); The U.N. Grand Doctoral Committee, Brussels, Belgium, 2003
Dr. Dale Layman began his career as an educator. As a professor, Dr. Layman has taught Physiology and Human Anatomy, as well as courses entitled "The World of Robotics" and "Nanotechnology.” He has written several books, including "The Medical Language- A programmed body Systems Approach," "The Terminology of Anatomy and Physiology," "Biology Demystified: A Self-teaching Guide," "Anatomy Demystified: A Self-teaching Guide," "Physiology Demystified: A Self-teaching Guide," and "Medical Terminology Demystified: A Self-teaching Guide." Layman's current focus is researching and monitoring the development of artificial intelligence, and the impact on our society.